On the Trail
Barbershop and Salon Socials Tour
As a lifelong resident of the 192nd Legislative District, it has always been my philosophy to meet the people where they are. Over the last few weeks I’ve been making stops to neighborhood barbershops and salons as a part of my Barbershop and Salon Socials Tour, to meet and greet residents and business owners in the district as they continue upon their daily activities. Topics of conversation ranged from criminal justice reform to increasing academic and athletic programs for our youth and young adults. It is always a pleasure gaining insight on the perspectives of community members. The best way to effectively impact our communities is to be in the know of what’s happening on the streets and to be both knowledgeable and understanding of what’s directly affecting our neighbors. What better way to stay in the loop than to engage in “chair-talk” in local barbershops and hair salons. It's been such a great time connecting with all of you!
Policy #IntheNews
Governor Tom Wolf’s Upcoming Budget Address
In the 192nd we are well aware that investing in our children and their education is investing in a more promising future for us all. State funding is an integral part to transforming public education in our local community to ensure that our children have access to quality education. On Tuesday, February 9th, Governor Tom Wolf will deliver his 2016-17 budget address to tell us more about his plans for the state of Pennsylvania; including his funding plans for education. In order for Governor Wolf’s plan to become a reality he will need support from local and state policy makers. I am #readyondayone to go to the state house as a representative of the 192nd to fight for the education our children deserve. Don't forget to tune into the governor's budget address on Tuesday at 11:20 a.m. Click this link to stream live: https://www.governor.pa.gov/live/
Upcoming Events
Appreciation Party
Please join #Cephas2016 on Friday, February 12, 2016 as we gather in appreciation of our volunteers and supporters. The appreciation party will be held at the campaign office located at 5899 Lancaster Ave (59th & Lancaster Ave). Come enjoy food, beverages and a chance to mix and mingle with the candidate!
#Cephas2016 supporters, family and friends will gather in support of my #racetothehouse at these upcoming events. We invite you to join us!
- Saturday February 13th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Devine, 6123 Vine Street
- Thursday, February 18th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Freundlich & Littman, 1500 Walnut Street Suite 206
Volunteer TODAY!
Door-knocking, early morning transit stops, petition signing, office opening...the Morgan Cephas campaign is in full effect and we want you on our team! A few days or a few hours, join #TeamCephas2016 today! Sign-up to volunteer at www.morgancehpas.com/volunteering, give us a call at (267) 332-9183 or stop by the campaign office at 5889 Lancaster Avenue.