Since my induction, I have been working hard on improving the 192nd and securing the resources we need to improve quality education for all and improve economic and employment opportunities. I have also partnered with key stakeholders both internal and external to the district in order bring awareness to essential issues pertaining to my constituency. Please read a few news articles and publications I have been mentioned in.
Women Equality and Empowerment
“With countless women of color being the primary breadwinner in their homes, the wellbeing of their children depends on them being paid what they deserve. Female headed households already make several thousand dollars less than the overall median income in the City of Philadelphia simply because they are providing for their family by themselves. This means wage discrimination pushes them even further behind.”
Women's Equality Day: Q&A with State Rep. Morgan Cephas
Local Legislators Speak out for Black Women's Equal Pay Day
Harrisburg Democrats are Betting Big on these Philly-area Women
Life as a Legislator
In the 192nd, PECO has planned to build an electric substation in a residential neighborhood. I have made it my mission to help the constituents of Wynnefield in making sure PECO is well aware of their thoughts and perspectives. “The fact that a big conglomerate can go into anybody’s neighborhood and just set up shop is not something we need in this city.”
Wynnefield vs PECO and the Development of a Middle Neighborhood
With no surprise, the most recent chain of events within the political space has led to a wave of young Millennials wanting to be more involved and engaged with their community. This movement has also proved positive for some of my colleagues from Philadelphia who are the newer, younger members of the PA delegation. I believe… we have a common sense of purpose.
Philly Legislative Delegation Getting Younger
Public Servants at Work
Next stop: Harrisburg. This cover story provides a synopsis of my humble beginnings, my 5 way primary race in 2016, through my first day sworn in as State Representative for the 192nd.
Cephas Takes Wynnefield Ways to Harrisburg